Our Global Presence
We now export to 54 countries and are continually endeavoring to expand into new markets. From the yarns we spin to the branded products we create for retailers, our products truly have an even more global reach.

We Have the World Covered
The Indo Count group of companies are purposefully located in every corner of the globe to better serve key markets in the U.S., Europe, Asia and Australia.
Indo Count Global Inc.
US Head Office & Showroom
New York, NY
Indo Count Global is a fully-owned subsidiary of Indo Count Industries Ltd and services North America. We are located within New York’s historic Textile Building placing us at the heart of the textile universe. As our Head Office in the U.S., our world-class design and development team is located here and always available to discuss new ideas and innovations with clients and partners.
US Distribution Center
Charlotte, NC
Indo Count Global’s US Distribution Center is ideally located in Charlotte, NC and provides Indo Count clients and partners with fast and reliable replenishment. Maintaining the optimal inventory is a key success factor for our customers businesses and allows for improved cash flow and control.
• EDI-based replenishment services
• E-Commerce fulfillment
• Modern warehousing services
• Supply chain management and inventory planning
• Development and design team for latest market research and consumer insights
Indo Count UK Ltd.
Manchester, United Kingdom
Indo Count UK is a also a fully-owned subsidiary of Indo Count Industries Ltd and services the UK and Europe. As our Head Office in Europe, we provide a full range of services. Furthermore, our design and development team is located here and always available to discuss new ideas, innovations and trends.
• EDI-based replenishment services
• E-Commerce fulfillment
• Modern warehousing services
• Supply chain management and inventory planning
• Development and design team for latest market research and consumer insights